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A portable, fast and accurate optical beam positioning system having a USB2.0 interface.

The system is based on a 24 bit A/D electronics box, powered via the  USB2.0 port.

It offers simultaneous operation of one or two PSD's in one system. 

The PSD's are Lateral Effect type or Four-Quadrant type.  There is a variety of sensor head types and sizes.

The update rate is up to 150 Hz when using a 500 Hz digital filter. The spectral range is 350-1100nm. 


This product is designed to measure optical beam position of


SPOTUSB - A complete system including manifold box, USB2.0 cable, software and user manual on CD disk, carrying case.

Select one or two sensor heads, calibration files are saved on the PSD heads and loads automatically to the software:


L - Lateral Effect PnP 9mmx9mm, no glass cover

N - Lateral Effect Pnp 10mX10mm, with glass cover

Q - Four Quadrant PnP 10mmX10mm with 30um gap, no glass cover

U - Four Quadrant PnP 10mmX10mm with 10um gap, with glass cover


Additional optional heads:

L44 - Lateral Effect PnP , usable beam size < 25mm

L18 - Lateral Effect PnP 18mmX18mm with glass cover

L4   - Lateral Effect PnP 4mmX4mm, no glass cover


Optional accessories:

NG4 filter - ND filter in housing (3/4" - 32 thread)

NG9 filter   "     "

NG10 filter  "    "

Hood - 55mm long, for ambientlight suppression

Ordering Information

Products > Position Sensing > SpotOn USB 2.0
duma optronics position positioning sensing spoton usb 2 Duma Optronics ビーム位置 ビームポジショニング センシング 測定 spoton usb2.0

The application program is compatible with Windows 7/8/10 OS (32 & 64 bit). For custom integration, an SDK package software is offered as standard.

(*) To maintain full calibration accuracy, attenuating optical filters may be necessary for operation with beams greater than 1 mW. Saturating "non-linear" effects depend on the beam size, type and wavelength, but caution should be exercised when using the 4Qaud PSD above 3-6 mW or the Lateral Effect PSD above 1-3 mW

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