High Power Beam Analysis Solutions
A complete line of laser beam analysis solutions, based on our line of Beam Profiling, combined with our proprietary technology of air-cooled beam sampling, enabling measurements of powers of over 4 kWatts.

Fiber laser technology has made a dramatic progress in output power and beam quality. Kilowatts of power have been demonstrated and implemented for various applications such as cutting, welding, ablating and others. Moreover, recent metal additive technology also relies on High Power laser technologies.
Measuring beam quality, especially at the focal point where densities will exceed MegaWatts per square cm, is a difficult task. Our line offers not only profile measurement but also power level measurement and accurate position in respect to predefined mechanical axis.
Using advanced optical samplers, combined with pressurized air (easily available at production floor level), yields a family of instruments capable of measuring minute High Power beams starting from 0.5 microns and up to several millimeter beams, including M² measurement and BPP.